Is Your Flooded Basement Covered By Your Insurance?

stock-photo-22083798-water-damaged-basementReplacing an old furnace that is costing you a lot in gas and electricity, an old water tank that is leaking, and an inefficient AC, is a smart decision to take.  Taking care of a leaky basement is as important as replacing an old furnace.  Mold and mildew are dangerous to your health, and eventually costly repairs done to the foundation of your house because of a leaky basement are some of the issues you need to avoid. Below are some articles that are important for you.

Click on the links below to read them in their entirety.

Waterproofing Product NeverWet Blows Our Minds with Product Demo

Waterproofers, your time has come. NeverWet, a spray-on coating that makes everything — from t-shirts to iPhones — liquid-proof, is hitting the big time, thanks to a licensing agreement with Rust-Oleum that is putting the spray on HomeDepot shelves.

The product, which was initially intended for use in industrial projects, was first introduced about two years ago, with no consumer version available at the time. But the agreement is changing all that.

The product reminds us of Design of the Year contender LiquiGlide, a coating that ensured ketchup would never get stuck in the bottle again. However, there are also questions about its side effects and what happens if you spray it on your t-shirt — can you ever wash it off?

Insurance policies might leave flooded Roanoke homeowners high, dry, frustrated  

Typically, insurance policies are renewed each year; insurance companies can make changes to the fine print during those renewals.

Harold Wright is in a moldy, messy fix.

The 59-year-old mechanic and his wife, Peggy, 62, live in a modest brick ranch in northwest Roanoke, not far from Peters Creek Road, an area hit hard by this month’s torrential rains.

Peggy, a retired nurse, was left disabled five years ago after a bout with meningitis. She’s on oxygen and has dementia, and Harold said he has to take her to adult day care every day just so he can go to work.

A little more than half of their basement is finished into a large, carpeted family room, which has paneled walls, a pool table, a bar, a stereo system, a television and a couple of sofas.

Businesses flooded with calls for repairs after recent 

As Roanoke’s water levels recede in the aftermath of this month’s record-setting rainfall, business is surging for local repair crews.

Dale Allen, general manager of the Roanoke and Lynchburg offices of Kidd’s Restoration and Cleaning Services, said the water-damage side of his business has been inundated with requests lately.

“Since the night of July 3, it’s been pretty much non-stop here. As soon as we thought we were catching up, another storm would come,” he said Wednesday. “Between Roanoke and Lynchburg, we took in as many as eight calls today. And this is days and weeks later. We’re still constantly visiting sites.”

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