Foundation Repair and Stabilization

stock-photo-3164773-executive-home-bar-and-entertainment-roomThe structure of your home starts with the foundation, and that’s why it’s very important to be vigilant of any problems that may arise if you own an older home. Water that is not draining away from the foundation may eventually jeopardize the stability and integrity of your foundation.  If you think you may have a problem with the foundation of your home, you may need to have an inspector visit your home and asses any damage it may have.  The structure of your home begins with the foundation; do not wait till the costs associated with repairing it become too astronomical.

For more information about foundation repair and stabilization follow the links below.

Are You Putting Your Foundation At Serious Risk?

You might not know it, but the integrity of your roof and gutter system can pose serious risks to the rest of your home. That’s right, something as simple as clogged gutters can lead to major foundation damage that will endanger your home, personal belongings and most importantly, your family’s health. Anything and everything from that new pool table in your basement to those perfect spring flowers or your ability to breathe clean, mold-free air is put into jeopardy.

Clogged gutters can be the source for many different problems that are both annoying and costly. Gutters that don’t get regular cleaning or maintenance can quickly cause damage and turn a home into a reconstruction project. Before looking at solutions to prevent gutter backup, it’s important to examine and understand the serious destruction that’s possible.

When water accumulates around your home, the foundation is put at risk. The possibility of erosion damage becomes real when clogged gutters mishandle the flow of rain water. Erosion weakens your home by slowly removing layer by layer of foundation until it cracks and begins to leak. And if you think erosion doesn’t have the muscle to do major damage, consider how the Grand Canyon was created. It’s obviously an extreme example, but erosion is that powerful.

Foundation Repair & Stabilization

Do You Have?

  • Basement Wall Cracks Visibly Open?
  • Basement Wall Bowing In?
  • Foundation Shifting/ Movement?

Foundation Stabilization / foundation reinforcement is the process of stopping movement in your foundation before it gets to the point of needing major, costly repairs or replacement. Basement Wall Repair can be accomplished a few different ways depending on your situation. We offer a solution specific to your problem.

Foundation stabilization/ foundation reinforcement can be accomplished these three ways:

  • Stabil – loc piers
  • Traditional steel “I” beam
  • Carbon fiber/kevlar mesh straps (Fortress Stabilization)

Inspection an Important Part of the Foundation Repair Process

Construction Company on how Foundation Inspection Can Save on Costly Repairs.

September 10, 2014 –(– Julian Construction, Inc., ( a general construction and foundation construction company in Southern California, recently released an article on how regular foundation inspection is an important part of keeping up the maintenance on a home. Regular inspections of a home foundation will detect foundation problems before they become more extensive, says the company. Julian Construction has over 10 years of experience in the field of foundation construction and foundation repair.
Shawn Kyles, chief safety inspector at Julian Construction, stressed that while foundation repairs are often needed, the extent of foundation damage can be drastically reduced by foundation inspections of a home. He stated: “A home foundation inspection by a qualified expert is not only an important part of foundation maintenance, it can prevent the need for expensive repairs or foundation replacement. You’ll also get peace of mind knowing that your foundation is in good shape. When you request an inspection, both the outside and inside of your home will be checked for evidence of foundation problems.”

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