Being Smart About Your Basement Waterproofing

There’s nstock-photo-3413377-flood-damageothing more upsetting than finding water leaking into your basement. Dampness, humidity and mold are sources of anguish for the homeowner, and the health related issues are something to worry about. Water found in your basement can rapidly led to mold, foundation problems, and jeopardized the structural integrity of your home. Finding the right company to waterproof your basement can be a bit troublesome. Scary sales tactics have become commonplace among sales people dealing with basement waterproofing, but don’t be deceived, hire a company with a good and long standing in the community. Check their references, and make sure to get a second opinion.

Myths About Home Basement Waterproofing

Unfortunately there are many misconceptions and myths floating around about waterproofing a basement. We discuss four myths that are among the most common in the waterproofing industry.

Myth #1 – Waterproofing will not stop a basement leak

When a homeowner has a water problem they can elect to make a repair or resolve the problem. In some cases the homeowner may decide to fix the leak without installing a complete waterproofing system. The waterproofing contractor will guarantee their work but that doesn’t stop the water from leaking into the basement from a wall on the other side of the room. A good basement waterproofing company will help the homeowner understand the repair work that will be done and the risks of not installing a complete foundation waterproofing system.

Myth #2 – Black tar paint is a sufficient waterproofing method

In actuality black tar paint is not waterproofing. Black tar paint may keep some of the vapor out but on its own it will not protect you basement from water leaks. Waterproofing systems are made up of several different components that together they will protect your basement from water getting in and if it does get in that it will quickly be pumped back out.


Preventive tips for leaky basements

Look For Obvious Solutions

The cause of a wet or damp basement can be minor, readily apparent, and easily corrected. Here are some probable causes and possible solutions:

Problem: The source of water in the basement can not be identified.

Solution: To determine whether the water is seeping in from the outside or condensastion inside, tape a twelve-inch square of aluminum foil to a wall that is prone to dampness, sealing all four sides as airtight as possible. In a day or two, if the side of the foil that was against the wall is wet, the problem is seepage. If the outside is wet, it’s condensation.

Problem: Lawns that are flat or slope toward the house permit surface water (rain and melting snow) to drain down against basement walls. Water enters through cracks or other openings in the walls and causes wet spots on the walls or standing water on the floor.
Solution: Slope the ground away from the outside foundation (about one inch per foot).

Types of Basement Waterproofing

The presence of water in the basement is a sign that a problem lurking underneath that needs your attention. If you allow the problem to continue on, expansive damage could occur to your home. It is in your best interest to talk to a basement waterproofing contractor as soon as possible if you are experiencing signs of water damage, requesting a free estimate could be the best decision you will ever make.

Types of Basement Waterproofing

The basement waterproofing contractor can provide you with a number of different waterproofing services. Talk to the contractor concerning each type and its pros and cons. Services include:

  • Interior Waterproofing

Basement waterproofing companies can provide interior waterproofing. This is the most recommended type of basement waterproofing offered. Through this service you can rest assured that your basement isn’t being damaged due to moisture buildup.

  • Exterior Waterproofing

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