Basement Waterproofing Solutions

Northeast Ohio spring and winter weather can play havoc with your basement.  If you have a problem with leaks, the snow and early spring showers can let you feeling overwhelmed by the amount of water you can find on the basement floor.

The ramifications of a wet and leaky basement are many.  From health related issues to structural damage, a wet basement is a hazard to your health and to your home. The good news is that there are many options to fix the problem in the basement of your home and there are many reputable contractors that can fix the problem.

Some of the solutions to a dry basement include:

  • Installing an interior draining system
  • Installing a sump pump
  • Installing a basement waterproofing membrane to the outside of your home
  • Cleaning the gutters of your home yearly
  • Fixing downspouts and making sure they are draining away from the foundation

By fixing the leaks, either by sealing the cracks and walls or by installing a drainage system in the basement, waterproofing the basement of your home is best done sooner than later.

How can you tell that you need to waterproof your basement?

Many of the tell-tell signs that you have a problem with humidity in the basement are many and you need to be vigilant to see if the humidity is coming from the inside or the outside of your home.

  • Water accumulation on the basement floor
  • Water damage where the wall meets the floor
  • Visible salty deposits on the walls of the basement or where the wall meets the floor
  • Warped or rotten wood
  • Rust on metal ( If you have appliances in the basement, check for rust at the base of them)
  • If you have flooring in the basement, check it to see if it is damp or shows signs of being wet

Many of the problems in the basement begin with slow leaks that can take months or even years to detect.  The damage can slowly rot the wood, destabilize the foundation or damage the items you have in storage there.

Before you decide to wait and fix the problem later, call a reputable contractor to fix the problem now.  They will work with you and offer you options and finance if they have it available.  Many cities across Ohio offer US grants for the upkeep of your home if you need assistance.  Check them out at

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