Basement Waterproofing in Northeast Ohio

stock-photo-6454290-derelict-basementWhether you are experiencing problems with the foundation of your home, seepage, or leaks in your basement, now it is a good time to see what the problems are.  With the heavy winter snows we had in Northeast Ohio this year, and the rain precipitation we are getting this spring, the grounds are wet and you may have water sitting around the foundation of your home.    If your home is experiencing flooding or water seepage, the basement will have signs that you cannot miss.  Water sitting on the floors, wet walls where the seams meet and dampness in other areas are sure signs you have a leaky basement and you need to find a solution.

What are some of the solutions you have if you have a wet basement:

1. Waterproofing your basement by Installing an interior drain is a very common way contractors waterproof your home, and one of the first things homeowners ask when shopping to waterproof their basement.

2. Some of the solutions waterproofing contractors offer homeowners are also the used of waterproofing membranes.  These basement waterproofing systems need to be installed by  trained professionals and require certification.

3. The installation of a sum pump in the basement of your home should be mandatory.  If you have one, make sure is working properly and that you have tested recently.

Call us if you  have questions.  We offer a free, hassle free consultation, have been in business for more than 30 years, and have an excellent customer satisfaction record.


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