Basement waterproofing cost, what is fair?


Most people probably never hire a basement waterproofing contractor and the few that do have a hard time determining what a fair basement waterproofing cost would be.  In order to determine that you have to consider many factors.  Some of these are obvious so bear with me.

The estimate for basement waterproofing you may get will be a reflection of the cost of doing business of the basement waterproofing contractors you interview.   Those that are on TV, in print ads, setting up booths at all the trade shows and fairs etc… obviously have a higher marketing cost and that will factor into your basement waterproofing cost with those contractors.

On the low side, those basement waterproofing companies that use subcontractor labor, do not pull permits or licenses and work out of their home or garage will obviously have a very low cost of doing business and a relative low estimate.

So it is obviously important that you do your homework on the  basement waterproofing companies you interview to get proof of their licensing, worker’s compensation insurance, place of business etc…  This will also tell you how well established the company is and how easy or difficult it would be for them to disappear, or more popularly, close under one name and reopen under another in order to avoid customer service.

You cannot tell a book by its cover, especially today.  The internet and various advertising outlets can make a brand new small business appear to be a well established large corporation.  Again, do your homework.

Ok, so you want numbers.  Those companies that are on the low side (working on a shoestring cost structure) will likely be between $25 and $35 per foot for an interior basement waterproofing system and or combination inside outside system; and $75 to $100 per foot for  exterior basement waterproofing systems.

Those who are the “big guys” on TV and sending out teams of salespeople, with teams of inside marketing agents will be in the high side and price between $50 and $75 per foot for an interior basement waterproofing system and or combination inside outside system.  Often times these companies will also offer some sort of “patented system” to make it impossible for you to compare other basement waterproofing contractors offerings.  You should expect  exterior basement waterproofing to be around $150 per foot.

So those are the lows and highs, and then of course there are many  basement waterproofing contractors that will fall somewhere in between.

For more info on basement waterproofing cost in Northeast Ohio, visit: pioneer basement solutions

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