Basement leaks where the wall meets the floor

Basement leaks where the wall meets the floor

If your basement leaks where the wall meets the floor you could have a few issues.

basement leaks where the wall meets the floor

Roof water is the number one enemy of your basement.  Check your gutters and downspout to be sure they are working properly.  If water is cascading off of your gutters near your foundation it can overwhelm your basement drainage system.

Many people try adding dirt to the side of the foundation to stop basement leaks where the wall meets the floor.  Often times that does not stop the leak.  Fixing the dirt along your foundation may help surface water issues or damp wall issues.  If your foundation walls are dry but you are leaking onto the floor the grade outside is not likely the issue.

Seepage at the base of the walls and or through floor cracks…

Ground water can enter your basement through the seam where the walls meet the floor and up through cracks or weak points in the floor.  These are signs the original foundation drainage has failed and or there is water building up under the floor.

A buildup of water around your foundation due to failing drainage causes water pressure commonly referred to as hydrostatic pressure.  This pressure is what pushes the water through the weakest points which is usually the seam where the wall meets the floor.

Failing foundation drainage occurs when the original drains collapse or fill with soil and or roots.  Foundation drains can also clog around the outside so that no water can enter the pipe.  Improperly or inefficiently installed foundation drainage can also cause water to build up and create pressure resulting in basement leaks where the wall meet the floor.

How to stop leak at wall and  floor seam

There are two ways to dry up your basement.  Either way it involves installing new foundation drainage.  The new drains are either installed outside or inside.  Interior basement waterproofing  systems are installed under the basement floor to relieve “hydrostatic pressure”.  This is water pressure in the ground that builds up around your foundation when water has no where to go. Many homeowners have mixed feelings on whether waterproofing a basement from the inside actually fixes the problem.  After all, water comes from outside, right? True, but it is not always possible to fix basement water seepage from the outside.  If your basement has water under the floor, interior basement waterproofing may be the only fix.  Without interior drains, water gets trapped under the floor.  This is because your foundation separates the inside from the outside.

Exterior basement waterproofing may be overkill for some basement leaks.  If you have wet basement walls up high or at ground level, and/or signs of water running down basement walls, exterior basement waterproofing may be the best solution.  The original seal on the exterior of your foundation deteriorates over time resulting in chronic paint bubbling, wet basement walls or chronically damp basement walls.  If you see these symptoms you should consider exterior basement waterproofing.

Get a few professional evaluations

Getting estimates for basement waterproofing can be frustrating.  Many customers tell us they have three estimates and three different solutions.  The issue is most basement waterproofing contractors only offer one method.  Naturally the one size fits all contractors will be certain their option is best for your basement.  Never the less it is valuable to be educated and explore your options if your basement leaks where the wall meets the floor.

Pioneer offers all solutions.  We start with identifying the cause of your problem.  We will then review the solutions and the costs.

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Call today at 330-454-8066 and your basement leaks where the wall meets the floor will be a thing of the past


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